Menzies the prime minister
Sir Robert Menzies
The first one-day festival cricket match for the West Indian team against the Prime Minister's Eleven, is held in Canberra during 1951. Menzies informs Parliament in 1954 that Soviet diplomat Vladimir Petrov had requested and been granted political asylum. He also announces Cabinet's decision to institute a Royal Commission into Soviet espionage in Australia.
Australian Events
The first radio-based "School of the Air" broadcasts are made from Alice Springs over the Flying Doctor network in 1951. Sydney Opera House international design competition is won by Danish architect Joern Utzon in 1957.
World Events
The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II takes place following her accession to the throne on February 6, 1952. USSR launches Sputnik, the first Earth satellite in 1957. The following year, 1958, USA launches an Earth satellite; the space race begins.