Sir Robert Menzies
"Though as a man Menzies was to enjoy following football and cricket, observing each as an art rather than a mere game, he was at Wesley not very interested in and certainly incompetent at sport. Probably because of this, Adamson [headmaster] never made him a prefect. Preparing himself for examinations was Menzies' overriding consideration.
In his first two years at Wesley he did not particularly shine, but his third year of work was more successful: at the end of it Menzies won one of the twenty-five exhibitions, each worth £40, awarded by the State for university study, as well as the highest honours in English and History."
A W Martin, Robert Menzies: A Life. Vol 1 1894-1943, 1993 p 19.
- Menzies excells in the humanities and is awarded the C L Andrews Prize for Poetry.
- Throughout his life, Menzies remains loyal to his old school and acknowledging, in particular, his master, Harold Stewart for (in his words) "teaching him to think with discipline".