Australian Events
Posted in 1915
- ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) and Allied troops land on April 25 on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey and immediately encounter stout resistance. 8,700 Australians die and 19,000 are wounded in the eight month campaign.
- Private John Simpson Kirkpatrick, aged 22, dies from a gunshot wound to the heart. Simpson is a hero of Gallipoli where he and his donkey "Duffy" carried many injured men through shrapnel and rifle-fire to safety.
- Hughes Government, October 27. (see Australian Prime Ministers)
- William Lawrence Bragg with his father William Henry Bragg create the new science of x-ray crystallography which earns them the Nobel Prize for Physics 'for their services in the analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays'. Born in Adelaide in 1890, Lawrence gained a degree in mathematics at Adelaide University before studying at Cambridge. Lawrence Bragg becomes the youngest male Nobel Laureate at 25 years of age.
- C J Dennis publishes The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke.
- Melbourne pharmacist George Nicholas develops Aspro.